We live in the post-digital age. Mankind is evolving at an alarming rate. Technology has become mandatory in all fields of activity.

Currently, technology is a must in the field of translation. Online dictionaries, apps, gadgets etc. all are equipped, updated or upgraded non-stop. Most of the time, if we have to translate a text from a world language, technology can be enough. Depending on the need, even if they vary in terms of level of difficulty, the texts can be translated, and the results can be very successful.

At the same time, specialized translations require much more. Technology still has plenty of limitations. Linguistics, research, literature and many other fields require special attention, a search through books, documents and filing cabinets. Perhaps nothing compares to the smell of print, of ink that you pick up when you go through one book or another. You get the feeling that you are in front of a product of real work, belonging to a real person, therefore the experience is more valuable.

On the other hand, technology grants everybody access to information, it is free and it has an educational side. It is difficult to oppose progress, especially when life is so closely tied to the evolution of technology and IT.

The major disadvantage of using technology, including for translations, is that you become addicted. The ease of using technology is seductive because it takes advantage of our very humanity, wired to prefer convenience, comfort. In many cases we abandon the little effort we made a while back to translate a text using a dictionary or a conversation guide. Today technology is preferred for non-specialized translations, favoring the digital individual, addicted to apps, online social networks, profiles, avatars or likes.