If you have a talent for writing or literature, this may be an important contributor to learning a foreign language. Most people learn a foreign language just to be able to communicate in that language. It seems that the motivation behind studying a foreign language is generally a practical one, in order to get a job or for personal development and improvement.
Reading in a foreign language usually comes second, after speaking. Writing does not seem to be a priority, although it also helps us improve our speaking skills in the respective language. Actually, if we only focus on speaking, reading or listening in a certain language, we will have limited results. Nevertheless, writing in a foreign language must be personal, even if repeated and exercised grammar rules are applied.
When we speak or write, we use the same abilities of composing and constructing a message in our minds or in writing, which is very useful in the study of the language. Before we enunciate a message, we say it to ourselves in the fashion of an inner monologue. This process is doubled when we speak in a foreign language.
Thus, writing has real benefits when studying a foreign language, especially if we keep a diary in that language. This method is more profound, because it creates a personal connection between what we write down about ourselves in the diary and the way or the language we use when writing it down. At the same time, we can monitor our progress or potential issues to be addressed.
If you are ready to study a foreign language, find a program that combines speaking, reading and writing in that language. You will see that you will learn much faster and that each lesson is relevant.