Studies can often be the reason for traveling abroad. More and more students are studying abroad in hope of a higher education and this journey can be difficult in many ways. They need to adapt to multiple social levels that they will have access to.

First of all, a student can take notes. These may be useful when you need some details, addresses, places, keywords or signs. Even if you do not understand the language, the notes are important. Today, smartphone applications can replace paper and pen, although some people still prefer the latter.

The help of a local guide is important for a foreign student. If you can, make a tour of the place to get to know all the facilities and some aspects of the language. And again, smartphone travel applications may be useful, although direct contact with a guide may prove to be more useful in these situations.

Be flexible, without preconceived views! When staying in a foreign country, you are likely to see, hear, feel and taste new things. Open-minded people are successful and are welcome in communities. If you have preconceived ideas, you will have nothing to gain and worries about possible lifestyle changes do not help.

Get to know local good manners! Each culture will have different representations for one thing or another. Hand gestures and their meanings may vary from one country to another. Hugs and kisses on the cheek can be enjoyable and appreciated, but in more conservative countries, they can be very offensive.

Interact with local people to enjoy authentic experiences and free language lessons, whether with the vendor at the corner of the street, your next door neighbor or your roommate. All these contacts are more than beneficial.

Do not forget to use a recent dictionary that also includes the latest linguistic aspects of that language. At the same time, be sure to explore the place where you are studying, so you can fully enjoy the linguistic experience!