Fifteen years ago, translators used to meticulously prepare their desk, paper and writing tools before getting to work. Today, they need a computer and other IT tools to carry out their work.

Doctors have been warning us for some years now about how important a correct sitting posture is for those who must carry out their daily activities in front of a computer. In fact, any posture becomes uncomfortable after 30 minutes without a break. Thus, people working long periods of time in front of the computer, including translators, are advised to carefully choose their chair based on the seatback functions (tilt, comfort, height) and ensure a comfortable position of the legs. Moreover, it is recommended to change posture every 30 minutes, to stand up every hour and to keep the back straight during work.

An incorrect posture will have a significant impact on concentration, which is essential for a translator. Furthermore, an incorrect posture in front of the computer can affect the spine, back and neck muscles and even blood circulation. All these conditions can also be triggered by a large work volume that does not allow repeated brakes during the day.

Above all, any translator must understand that their success is guaranteed only if they first ensure work comfort and take small breaks for mental recreation.

In fact, it is well known that a relaxed mind will always find the best solution and make quicker connections than an overworked mind.