For an efficient translation it is obvious that a good documentation beforehand is necessary. This brief research offers the translator the opportunity of choosing the best/the most adequate version of a text when translating. Depending on the field, texts have different characteristics, layouts, purposes etc. The translator does not merely translate, but adapts and interprets the text.
However, there are some limitations in these situations as well. Although most of the world languages have lexical or stylistic matches for most of the words, some words cannot be accurately translated or the expressions obtained by means of translation do not correspond. That is why the translator needs to adapt and interpret the text, exceeding his or her original duties. The cultural, social or political differences can make a translation less efficient and then, despite all efforts and prior documentation, the result may turn out to be less than stellar.
The limitations of a translation are the same as the limitations of a translator or of the documentation work. It is also true that not all texts are as easy to translate or that they do not have the same style or degree of difficulty. However, translation limitations appear when there are inconsistencies between languages, fields or social, economic or political environments. These limitations disappear after thorough documentation, which ensures that the translator will obtain the best version of the text.
Therefore, it is in our interest, as clients, to research and choose a well-established translation company, with solid references for translations from as many fields as possible.